Professionals and the Resilience Factor ‘Ritual’ – Ancient Greece and Present-Day

November 4th - 6th, 2021, Mainz

Today as well as in the past, individuals, teams and professions do face occupational challenges continually, both common and specific, repetitive and singular, trivial and perilous. In anticipating, perceiving and evaluating the challenges as well as in coping with them, rituals of different kind do play a (major) role, deliberately or unwittingly. Starting from the situation in Ancient Greece, scholars of various disciplines as well as practitioners will discuss different types of (especially religious) ritual and the varying application in differing situations/contexts, considering i. a. the intermingling with technical activities and diachronic changes.


Official poster


Scientific Organizer:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heide Frielinghaus


Event Manager: Kumi-Raine Kost